The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi                                                                                                       issn: 1307-9581


On this site, only the issues published up to the 77th issue are available. Issues of our journal published since the 78th issue are available at


The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.

Our journal is an independent academic publication based on research in social sciences, contributing to its field and trying to publish scientific articles that will bring innovation to the original and social sciences.


Cilt: 8    Sayı: 37   Yıl: 2015     ///    Volume: 8     Issue: 37    Year: 2015


  Art - Art History - Archaelogy - Geography


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Osmanlı Minyatüründe İkincil Olan Kadınlar

Abdurrahman DEVECİ   

Doi Number:


Türk Görsel İletişim Tasarımı ve Kültürel Değerlerle Bağları

Banu İnanç UYAN DUR   

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Oceanus, Tethys and Thalssa Figures in the Light of Antioch and Zeugma Mosaics

Şehnaz ERASLAN   

Doi Number:


Aydın Eski Çine Ahmet Gazi Cami Minberi

Elif GÜRSOY   

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Burdur Müzesi’nden Bir Grup Kalıp Yapımı Kâse

Hüseyin METİN   

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Fas’ın Fes Şehrindeki Karaviyyin Camii

Hayrunnisa TURAN   

Doi Number:


Arkeolojik Veriler Işığında Doğu Anadolu Geç Demir Çağı (MÖ 7.-4. Y.Y.) Çanak Çömleği


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